Ras Al Khaimah International Airport is keen to develop an environment that is commercially viable, creates a competitive proposition and is market-led for its business partners. In order to achieve this we are flexible and work alongside our partners on mutually benefiting basis. Our growth strategy takes into account landing, parking, ground handling and fuel prices as key components of competitiveness and your decision making, and we are simply one of the most attractive in the region. In addition, we are constantly investing in our airport to maintain excellent terminal facilities too. With the above attributes, Ras Al Khaimah International Airport is a natural choice for inbound, outbound and transit/tech carriers, as well as cargo, MRO, Training and other businesses
It was started with a specific reason, which is to stand out from the crowd with its retro ambience and innovative menu specially designed by our team of creative chefs. This uniqueness of Falla Restaurants’ idea is the proven reason behind its acceptance all over GCC.
- Company Name- Ras Al Khaimah International Airport
- Nationality- Selective
- Qualification- Based on Post
- Gender- Female/Male
- Benefits- Attractive Benefits
- Salary- Discuss in the Interview
- Age Limit- Below 40
- Job Location-Dubai
- Interview - Only for shortlisted candidates
- Recruitment by- Direct by Company
Ground Handling Manager
Passenger Service Agen
Electronics Technician
Ras Al Khaimah International Airport warmly welcomes those who have a keen sense of interest in building a career by applying for Ras Al Khaimah International Airport jobs. All candidates are requested to please take a few minutes to set up Their profile by visiting the following link below. Once the HR department of this company has received your CV, the recruitment team will review it thoroughly and you will get back to you if you are shortlisted. Below is the list of Ras Al Khaimah International Airport's jobs, any individual can apply by meeting the criteria given.
Apply Now - Ras Al Khaimah International Airport Job